Tuesday, July 7, 2009


To start out you need a fishing pole! Fishing shop owners can make you one out of a strong skinny branch or you can but one if he has one in stock. Either way its only 100 dollars.
You can also ask the store owners for bait. Theres a limit on how much you can get but its a good way to get earthworms if you haven't gotten some already.

Big Fish
A lot of people have trouble reeling in the big fish. Its not. Once you know what to do, its simple! Just a little time consuming. First off you have to hook it which is a chore in itself, though it doesn't require super skills to do. You just have to be patient like in normal fishing.
Once you hooked him you need to click a maximum of twice, just enough so that hes heading up from the water. Once he starts slowing down and then begins to descend again its time to click again! Repeat, only clicking again when he starts to go down then again if he seems like hes not going anywhere. Its frustrating if you click too many times and he gets away, not to mention you lose your worm so BE CAREFUL!!

The other size fish are usually on the screen and are extremely easier to catch, but can still get away if you click too fast. Enjoy yourselves now! (:

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