Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Getting Started - HorseIsle

Welcome to Earton! To your right is probably the most busy town on the game. When your new people usually are generous and might offer a horse or some money, but don't get discouraged if they don't! Once we get started with some quests then buying a horse will be easy.
There will be a list of all the quests (at the current time that I put it up) and I'll write all the walkthroughs as I do them myself. When new quests are added, I'll try to update them but if I'm missing a quest you need or I haven't written a walkthrough feel free to either e-mail me or AIM me the quest that you need and I'll get on it as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: If I am on AIM mobile, please PLEASE do not message me more than once at a time. Wait till I reply. I almost always have my phone with me so thats probably your fastest way of contact. Thank you!

E-Mail: haruryuu@aim.com
AIM: HaruRyuu

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